Note: The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through Booksneeze for the purposes of review.
I had high aspirations for this book, but sadly I was let down, as I usually am with this subject material. In this book, Pastor Shannon O’Dell lays basically how to make your church in rural America a success. Sure, you can apply the principles anywhere, but specifically in rural areas.
The book started taking a downhill when Pastor O’Dell told how he and his wife “had thrown out one last fleece” to decide whether or not to take the pastorate at a church. I’ve heard similar stories of fleeces being thrown out, in the exact same scenario and the only thing that got fleeced, in another pastor’s words, were the congregation and the pastor. We live in the New Testament now, where we are led by the Holy Spirit, not by fleeces. Nowhere in the New Testament does anyone put out a fleece. They do however allow themselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit. From this, I could see the tone of the rest of the book.
More issues that came up in the book were the church voting to do things. Maybe it’s just how it’s written, but a church that is led by votes, the congregation, fleeces, or anything other than the Holy Spirit is bound to end in a bad way.
Another generalized statement made is that “Rural America is in the middle of a massive drought - a spiritual drought caused by a lack of vision, attitude, and leadership.” It’s generalized to the point that I don’t know how he knows, but plenty of rural churches I’ve seen, and I’m from a small, southern, farming community, are on the verge of a spiritual outpouring. And that doesn’t infer drought.
Overall, I couldn’t recommend the book. This is why: Most of what is shared, I could get from a business book I’d pick up on Amazon. I could get a lot of it from leadership classes or somewhere else, even the internet. Now granted, he does have some good things to say. However, the book is one of those where you “eat the hay and spit the sticks.” However, with so many other good books out there on the issue, why bother with one that you have to spit so many sticks on.
Psalm 127:1 states, “Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain.” Notice that the house did get built. I’m not saying Pastor O’Dell is not seeking God to run his church and ministry. I’m not saying he’s a bad person. Bless him. He’s doing a great work for the Lord. But I do think that the practices he uses miss the mark. I believe a lot of what he does is more natural and soulical, than spiritual and guided by the leading of the Holy Spirit.
The book contains a few pictures and I followed some links to his churches website and found a church that looks more like a rock concert than a church. Churches where worship services (services in general) are more like concerts, catering to a person’s soul and natural desires, always tend to be farther away from meeting people’s spiritual needs. Can they meet their spiritual needs? yes, to a degree. But they mold and help develop people that are more soulical than spiritual, that are less than what the Word of God calls us to be.
When I see a book (or anything) that has flags like being led by a fleece, or being more naturalistic than spiritual, I want to stop reading because it may be building up my soul, or my mind with knowledge, but it’s not helping my spirit much.
The bottom line: the book has some good stuff in it, but if you want to know how to grow your church or ministry-get on your face. God leads his people by the Holy Spirit. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God (Romans 8:14).” Will it take more time than reading this book? Most likely. Will you want to do it more than reading this book? No. Will the devil fight you more than applying some of things in this book? Most definitely. But in the end, you’ll have God’s specific plan for you.
Note: Pastor O’Dell did comment about doing this, but I do believe he missed it in some areas. I’m not mad at him or think anything other than good thoughts for him. May he be blessed in all He does for God. I don’t intend to sound like I am attacking him, just simply reviewing a book.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Child, Meet Adulthood
A poll came out a few months ago in USA Today that said that nearly 6 in 10 moms said children were growing up too fast. Why did these parents believe this? There were a few reasons actually. One was because children were allowed to use the internet without being supervised. Of course, you give kids free range of endless information and they are bound to suck in that information like a sponge--good or bad.

Another reason was because parents over-schedule their children's lives. When your kids are running around so much and have little time to actually be a kid--to have fun, to....well, just be a kid--they tend to grow up faster.
Another reason was because parents give their kids cellphones. I don't even understand this. What possible reason does little 9-year old Jenny need with a cellphone? "Well all of her friends have one." That's always a great argument, which is followed by "If all your friends jumped off of..."
I didn't even have a cellphone until I entered college. Yes, the times are different, but not so much to change the need for a cellphone. The reasons kids want cellphones are the same reasons raccoons go after trashcans outside your house--They're nice and shiny. For the most part, there is no need for a child to have a cellphone unless it comes from the dollar store.
The final reason, which I wanted to look at, was because parents dressed their kids in age-inappropriate clothing. Of course, for the most part, you can understand this if you have kids. Go shopping for little girl’s clothes at Walmart and you’ll see that Walmart is a nice supporter of little girls dressing like prostitutes. Oh. Did I say that?
Yes, it's true. A large amount of the clothes you find out there for little girls look like they're for teenagers (which too is inappropriate). And that's not an opinion. That's a fact. Any clothing that is intended to sexually arouse a person is inappropriate-unless that clothing is for your spouse-and then it should not be worn in public.
But it doesn't matter if you agree with my statement or not, the rest is true. Go back 15 years or so and you can actually find little girls clothes that are somewhat appropriate for children. In today's culture, it's seen as a norm though for stores to sell children's clothes that makes them look like prostitutes. That doesn't make it right.
I ran across a post yesterday that really displays this kind of acceptance by our culture. Now remember, I said the culture, not everyone. People will always be on one both sides, but when it gets to places like Walmart, it's become a cultural thing, even if people disagree with it.
Hannah Montana's little sister is proving my point. Little 9-year old Noah Cyrus announced that she is coming out with a line of lingerie for kids. Yes, welcome to corrupted immorality or earth. The designers say that the line will be cute but edgy. And we wonder why our kids are pregnant at 12.
But it's all okay. I myself can't wait until my little princess is pole dancing at the age of seven (sarcasm anyone). There's a bigger issue to this, and the USA Today pole that reaches into parents not doing their job as parents, but I won't cover that.
The little kiddie lingerie isn't necessarily surprising from the little Cyrus. Apparently Billye Ray has no problem with it or his daughter dressing like a dominatrix for Halloween. So it's not unexpected when he lets his little girl grow up to be so.....(whorish is what I would put here, but she's 9 years old. I have a dilemma about saying that about a 9 year old even if it's true). 
Just wait until Billye Ray's achy breaky heart gets broken when he finds out his little girl isn't little the age of 10. Thankfully though, this isn't how all of America is, but not too far off. I walk through Walmart and see the parents who let their little girls dress in miniskirts because they think it's cute.
Hopefully though, most of us aren't like this. Hopefully we have since to know that a seven year old dressing like a teenager isn't right. Hopefully we know that just because everyone is doing it, doesn't mean our kids have to. And hopefully we realize that are kids are just that--kids. And that means they will act like kids, be emotionally-controlled just like kids, and be kids, no matter what they dress like, pretend to be like, or want to be like by having the shiny new toy they see everyone else have.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I Have To Wonder If Dewey Bartlett Is An Idiot
Dewey Bartlett is the mayor of Tulsa, Oklahoma. You probably have never heard of him unless you live in the area. The issue that Mr. Bartlett is facing is a budget issue. The mayor entered office just around two months ago and stepped into a budget crisis that was not properly explained to him, as he states. So now he is faced with the reality of having to layoff 150 police officers and make budget cuts that will effect other city workers, including firefighters.
Mr. Bartlett and his mayoral staff have come up with an option that instead of laying off 150 police officers, and thus help crime rise even more in Tulsa, would cut the pay of all officers. It would also include reduction of hours and shifts on the part of the police officers. These two options, as Mayor Bartlett has said, are the only options. Mayor Dewey Bartlett is indeed an idiot.
I don't mean to attack the man, but before he was even elected, I knew he was an idiot. Why? One day in the mail I found a flyer advertising the campaign of "Dewey Barttlet" or "Dewey Bartlett," whichever you'd prefer. At that point I knew a person that did not catch that mistake or at least have someone employed who could catch that mistake would be a person who lacked a spirit of excellence to have the job as mayor. However, I was not a fan of his opponent either.

Now please understand that I realize that the new Tulsa mayor stepped into this problem and did not create it or have any hand in it, just in trying to fix the problem. However, when you're faced with the problem and you can only come up with two options, both that hurt the people that work so hard to help the city and the city itself, and say "these are the only two options," you are an idiot.
It's a lack of options that I have a problem with. If Mayor Bartlett was faced with the issue of fixing a problem that would save his job--his only means of income, he would do everything in his power. But he is not, and I think because it is because either he doesn't care that much about it (which I really doubt) or hie and his mayoral staff are so closed-minded that this is the only option that he can think of or wants to allow in the discussion.
Today on the news he was interviewed and the news anchor asked about a group on facebook that was petitioning to have $5 added to their electric bill to save police officers job. He was asked his thoughts and replied that he didn't want to look at that because he wanted to show the citizens of Tulsa that their government can run on it's own, be self-sufficient, and successfully get through this and operate (paraphrased of course). The only problem is it can't, it hasn't. It's going to lay off 150 police officers (I believe that is 1/8 or so of it's force). It can not operate on it's own. It has failed. And those who will pay will not just be city employees but citizens of Tulsa when they are robbed, murdered, killed in car accidents because there are not enough police officers (or firefighters or another needed city employee) because the city has managed it's money poorly and the guy brought in to fix it can only think inside a small box that constrains any thought of creativity in dealing with such a significant mater.
My question is this: How come politicians can have $500 plate dinners to raise money for their campaigns when running for office, but can't call those same friends back in to buy a $20 dollar steak at $250 to help save a police officer's job that has worked so hard to protect them and other citizens of the city. How come with all the information out there, all the different things at his disposal to find an answer to this question, he can only come up with one option? I do not know how the city budget is laid out, however I do know that to only come up with two options--both of which will surely lead to a rise in crime--is idiocy.
Every year I pass firefighters on the streets holding boots filled with cash taking donations for charities. They ask for donations, they hold fundraisers, they reach out to the public to help those in need. Now when they are in need, the government are going to let them hang out to dry. Now the one person who has been elected to deal with the budget crisis is letting both firefighters and police officers get laid off (or reduce their paycheck) all because he refuses to look at options that would help save jobs, and more importantly lives.
On one hand I feel sorry for Mayor Bartlett. He walked into a problem and is expected to be the savior who can fix the budget problem, keep the streets safe, and keep police officers on the street and on the payroll. However, he is no savior. He really has no answers. He has an option that is almost no better than the first choice. I feel sorry for him because he "inherited" this problem, but at the same time, I feel upset because he's trying to give an easy answer. Instead of working hard to come up with options that would save officers jobs, such as fundraisers, donations, and so forth, it seems he's taken the easy way out. Is it really easy? No. But if his job was on the line and it meant either a job or all income was taken away with no bright out look, he'd find another way. But he hasn't. Am I against the man? No. Am I for him? Yes!!! But it seems that his outlook on the issue has been narrowed down to "this or this and nothing else will work." There are more options, even if he won't look at them.
Again, I don't know the whole story, just what I hear, read, and see. However, I know this issue at hand is not just about a person's job, it's about people's lives. And that's something too important to be left up to a two option decision.

Mr. Bartlett and his mayoral staff have come up with an option that instead of laying off 150 police officers, and thus help crime rise even more in Tulsa, would cut the pay of all officers. It would also include reduction of hours and shifts on the part of the police officers. These two options, as Mayor Bartlett has said, are the only options. Mayor Dewey Bartlett is indeed an idiot.
I don't mean to attack the man, but before he was even elected, I knew he was an idiot. Why? One day in the mail I found a flyer advertising the campaign of "Dewey Barttlet" or "Dewey Bartlett," whichever you'd prefer. At that point I knew a person that did not catch that mistake or at least have someone employed who could catch that mistake would be a person who lacked a spirit of excellence to have the job as mayor. However, I was not a fan of his opponent either.
Now please understand that I realize that the new Tulsa mayor stepped into this problem and did not create it or have any hand in it, just in trying to fix the problem. However, when you're faced with the problem and you can only come up with two options, both that hurt the people that work so hard to help the city and the city itself, and say "these are the only two options," you are an idiot.
It's a lack of options that I have a problem with. If Mayor Bartlett was faced with the issue of fixing a problem that would save his job--his only means of income, he would do everything in his power. But he is not, and I think because it is because either he doesn't care that much about it (which I really doubt) or hie and his mayoral staff are so closed-minded that this is the only option that he can think of or wants to allow in the discussion.
Today on the news he was interviewed and the news anchor asked about a group on facebook that was petitioning to have $5 added to their electric bill to save police officers job. He was asked his thoughts and replied that he didn't want to look at that because he wanted to show the citizens of Tulsa that their government can run on it's own, be self-sufficient, and successfully get through this and operate (paraphrased of course). The only problem is it can't, it hasn't. It's going to lay off 150 police officers (I believe that is 1/8 or so of it's force). It can not operate on it's own. It has failed. And those who will pay will not just be city employees but citizens of Tulsa when they are robbed, murdered, killed in car accidents because there are not enough police officers (or firefighters or another needed city employee) because the city has managed it's money poorly and the guy brought in to fix it can only think inside a small box that constrains any thought of creativity in dealing with such a significant mater.
My question is this: How come politicians can have $500 plate dinners to raise money for their campaigns when running for office, but can't call those same friends back in to buy a $20 dollar steak at $250 to help save a police officer's job that has worked so hard to protect them and other citizens of the city. How come with all the information out there, all the different things at his disposal to find an answer to this question, he can only come up with one option? I do not know how the city budget is laid out, however I do know that to only come up with two options--both of which will surely lead to a rise in crime--is idiocy.
Every year I pass firefighters on the streets holding boots filled with cash taking donations for charities. They ask for donations, they hold fundraisers, they reach out to the public to help those in need. Now when they are in need, the government are going to let them hang out to dry. Now the one person who has been elected to deal with the budget crisis is letting both firefighters and police officers get laid off (or reduce their paycheck) all because he refuses to look at options that would help save jobs, and more importantly lives.
On one hand I feel sorry for Mayor Bartlett. He walked into a problem and is expected to be the savior who can fix the budget problem, keep the streets safe, and keep police officers on the street and on the payroll. However, he is no savior. He really has no answers. He has an option that is almost no better than the first choice. I feel sorry for him because he "inherited" this problem, but at the same time, I feel upset because he's trying to give an easy answer. Instead of working hard to come up with options that would save officers jobs, such as fundraisers, donations, and so forth, it seems he's taken the easy way out. Is it really easy? No. But if his job was on the line and it meant either a job or all income was taken away with no bright out look, he'd find another way. But he hasn't. Am I against the man? No. Am I for him? Yes!!! But it seems that his outlook on the issue has been narrowed down to "this or this and nothing else will work." There are more options, even if he won't look at them.
Again, I don't know the whole story, just what I hear, read, and see. However, I know this issue at hand is not just about a person's job, it's about people's lives. And that's something too important to be left up to a two option decision.
Friday, January 15, 2010
All The Promises Of God Are Yes And Amen
Every now and then my son gets promised that if he's good for a certain length of time or while we're doing something, he'll get a prize of some sorts. Some times it's candy, sometimes it's a cheap little toy that you wouldn't spend a nickel on (but someone else would). Either way, he behaves for that time for 2 reasons: 1.) He knows if he is good, he'll get a toy. 2.) He knows if he isn't good, he'll get in trouble. Probably more so though, it's that promise of a surprise at the end of the excursion. That's the thing that's in front of him more so than than the thought of being disciplined.But he believes that whoever said he could have whatever it is when they're done will give them whatever it is. He believes in them. He counts them trustworthy. He's four. That's what they do. They have a child-like faith and assurance that what you say is true and you wouldn't lie.
2 Corinthians 1: 30 states, "For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us." The Apostle Paul wrote this not so you would have faith in the promise. In fact, the promise itself is really nothing in itself. Promises are not judged by the promises, but by the Character and what is known about the one who has promised. The character of the person determines the weight of what is said.
Hebrews 11:11 says, "Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised." Sara judged God as being faithful and trustworthy that what He had promised, He would do. Why? Because she knew Him, His character. Many people don't believe what God's Word says because they don't know Him. They don't know His character.
Just like our authority in Jesus Christ, a promise is not valid unless the one backing it is valid. We have authority over certain things in Jesus Christ because of Jesus Christ and what He did--the one backing it. We can believe the Word of God (the promises of God) because of the one backing it--God Himself.
We do this all the time and don't even realize it. We sit in a chair and put all of our weight on it believing it will keep us up because we believe in the person who made the chair, the materials it is made out of, and our ability not to break it with our weight. We have judged those things faithful to do what they need to do so we can sit safely in that chair.
We use a piece of paper that has pictures of dead presidents on it to pay for stuff at stores across this nation. We do the same with metal coins. Why? Is this special paper? Kind of. It's special because of the one backing it-the United States Treasury and the United States of America (not a certain political figure but the nation itself). We have counted it trustworthy because we know it's character. It has a long track record of being faithful. It has proven that it will take that paper with a a number five on it, and it will actually be worth five dollars.
How more should we trust in God, who was faith that when we were enemies, He still dies for us and our sins. The character of God is without question. The problem people have is their point-of-view, their opinion, or their past experiences with others have already judged God one things that do not pertain to God or His character.
People don't believe God's Word, even when they speak it out of their own mouth because they themselves are liars and they can't believe anything that comes out of their mouth already--even if it's the Word of God. Some people can't trust God as their Heavenly Father because their won earthly father was so terrible, or they didn't even have one. Neither of those things are valid excuses and neither would hold up in a court of law if applied to any case. You can not judge the character of a man (or God) by someone else's actions. Some people want to do this on every level, but you can't. The truth is that God is faithful. His character has been proven over and over throughout ALL TIME and no one and no thing can prove Him otherwise. With the character at rest, it is only a matter of ability. God is the one who create the universe, Heavens and Earth, raised Christ from the dead, owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and silver and gold are His. God is able, He is will, His promises are yes and amen because they are true. We just have to put trust in Him to do so, and He will.
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